ようこそラ・リベルター Traveling Liberty 


素敵な語学学校、桜と世宋 / SAKURA - SEJONG Academia de Idiomas, a wonderful language school

きれいな着物のカップル / Lovers in kimono

傘を持ったカップル / Lovers with un ambrella

傘を持った美女 / A cute little girl with un ambrella.

浮世絵の前で / In front of Japanese wood-block pictures.

日本の遊び / Japanese Games

書道/ Calligraphy

クラス/ Classes






There is an excellent language school in Trujillo where you can learn Japanese and its culture. In addition to Japanese, it also teaches Korean and English. It is Sakura – Sejong Academia de Idiomas. Sakura is cherry blossoms.They are Japan's national flower. Sejong is the name of the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. He is the great person who created the Hangul alphabet. In this Japanese culture festival on April 7, it provided activities to introduce kimono dressing, calligraphy, and Japanese games. It was a wonderful experience for many people to enjoy and experience Japanese culture.

外観/ exterior