ようこそラ・リベルター Traveling Liberty 



たくさんの団体が参加!出陣式!Many groups participated. The Opening Ceremony.




みんなで「Pichay, Pichay, Chan Chan!」(ケチュア語で清潔なという意味) 



The Day of Cleaning was carried out in the Archaeological Complex of Chan Chan, with much expectation, together with Minister of Culture, Leslie Urteage, and Vice Minister of Environment-Peru, Giuliana Becerra, and with the team of volunteers of the Regional Office of Social Inclusion, and the team of those of Decentralized Directorate of Culture of La Libertad, among others. They were chanting, “Pichay, Pichay, Chan Chan!”. “Pichay ” means clean in Quechua.



 Since the site is so large, it is difficult only to pick up garbage.

車の通行に気を付けて!Watch out for traffic!